Dover Harbour, Kent

Dover Harbour tide times

July 2024

Dover Harbour tide times

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August 2024

Dover Harbour tide times

Date Low tides High tides


Things to see and do near Dover Harbour

If you're planning a visit to Dover Harbour, you'll find that there are plenty of things to see and do in the surrounding area. Here are just a few ideas to help you make the most of your trip.

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  • Explore Dover Castle – Dover Castle is a Norman castle located in Kent, England. It is one of the largest castles in the country and has a rich and fascinating history. Visitors can explore the castle and its grounds, view the many displays, and take part in interactive activities.
  • Visit White Cliffs – The famous White Cliffs of Dover, which overlook the English Channel, are a must-see when visiting Dover Harbour. The cliffs, which are part of the Kent Coastline, provide stunning views of the coastline and are a great place for a peaceful stroll.
  • Visit the Lighthouse – The Dover Harbour Lighthouse is a Grade II listed building and is the oldest functioning lighthouse in the country. It was built in 1843 and stands at the entrance to the harbour. It is open for tours and offers spectacular views of the harbour and surrounding area.
  • Take a Boat Trip – Taking a boat trip is a great way to explore the harbour and see it from a different perspective. There are several tour companies that offer boat trips around the harbour and the surrounding coastline.
  • Visit the Beach – Dover Harbour is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Kent. Take a walk along the beach and take in the stunning views of the harbour and the English Channel.
  • Shop in the Harbour – The harbour area is home to a number of shops and restaurants, offering everything from local produce to souvenirs. Browse the shops and pick up something special to remind you of your visit.
  • Visit the Town Centre – Dover Town Centre is located just a few minutes away from the harbour and is home to a number of shops, restaurants, and attractions. Take a stroll around the area and explore all that it has to offer.
  • Enjoy a Meal at the Harbour – The harbour area is home to a number of restaurants and cafes, offering a variety of cuisine. Enjoy a meal while taking in the amazing views of the harbour.
  • Go Bird Watching – Bird watching is a popular activity in Dover Harbour and there are a number of birds to spot, including swans, seagulls, and ducks. Take a walk along the harbour and keep your eyes peeled for these beautiful creatures.
  • Visit the Lifeboat Museum – The Lifeboat Museum is located in the harbour and offers visitors an insight into the history of lifeboat rescues. The museum has a variety of exhibits, including lifeboat models, photographs, and more.
  • See the Harbour Lights – The harbour lights are a sight to behold and are best seen during the evening. Take a stroll along the harbour in the evening and enjoy the views.
  • Take a Walk Along the Harbour Wall – The harbour wall is a great spot to take a walk and enjoy the views of the harbour. Take a walk along the wall and admire the beautiful scenery.
  • Enjoy a Drink at the Pub – There are a number of pubs located in the harbour area, offering a great spot to enjoy a drink and relax.
  • Explore the Nature Reserve – The Dover Harbour Nature Reserve is a great spot to explore and see the wildlife that inhabits the harbour. Take a walk through the reserve and see the wildlife up close.
  • Visit the Historic Churches – The harbour area is home to a number of historic churches, including St Mary's Church and St James' Church. Take a walk around the area and admire the architecture and history.

There are many things to see and do near Dover Harbour. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or outdoor activities, you'll find plenty of ways to enjoy your time in the area!